Masha Larionova,
Art Director

I build well-coordinated project teamwork, generate bright visual solutions, meet deadlines, and take responsibility for the result.

Moscow, 32 years old
+7 925 157-90-74
Telegram, Instagram: @makkaronina

Applicant for the position of Art Director
Full-time employment, project work.
Hybrid work schedule.
Prepared for business trips, willing to relocate.

What I can do
Build workflows for team members and contractors.
See a project as a whole: I brief the crew, discuss details, and break down the work into stages.
Formulate, structure, and communicate tasks to team members.
Monitor the processes and take responsibility for the result at all stages.
Create templates and supervise the execution of projects based on them.
Manage contractors' work and complete some of their tasks if required.
Create websites, illustrations, SMM design, decorations, printed materials, presentations, and souvenirs.
Meet deadlines and present projects at various stages.
Complete tasks according to guidelines and manage projects of any scale.

What I’m good at
Building team workflows.
Briefly and clearly communicating my vision to the team and contractors.
Accurately estimating the execution time (thanks to the in-depth knowledge of applied design work) and delegating tasks to colleagues.
Experimenting and finding out-of-the-box solutions when performing tasks.
Commenting on work and communicating ideas in sketches.
Seeing important details without getting buried in them.

What I do in my current position
I work at Yandex as a Senior Designer, also carrying out the responsibilities of an Art Director.
I supervise projects aimed at internal and external HR department communications. Over 4 years of work, I have accumulated substantial visual experience that allows me to analyze design, media, and art trends. I am not afraid to make decisions when choosing ideas, monitor their implementation, and coordinate the work of the whole team. I clearly formulate tasks and distribute them among employees.

My key responsibilities include:
  • contractor management: I brief, leave comments, and complete work
  • art direction within the Yandex team
  • production management: I select products and prepare layouts
  • supervising Illustrators, Videographers, Composers
  • creating visual solutions for events
  • developing decorations
  • designing souvenir production
  • working out templates for wiki pages and guides.

What I enjoy doing
Bright projects that set a joyful tone for events.
Art direction of online events.
Handmade graphics and non-obvious visual solutions.
Projects related to education, culture, HR communications, children's content, marketing, IT industry, medicine, architecture, food, and fashion.

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Figma, After Effects, PPTX, Tilda, Procreate.

My plans for further development
Improving creative thinking.
Getting marketing and management training.
Participating in international profile conferences.
Studying 3D modeling programs.

Secondary vocational education, Mark Malyutin Art College in Ivanovo, design specialty.

Short-term illustration courses at British Higher School of Art & Design, Art Direction: SKVOT, Workout by Dima Barbanel (intensive training).

Previous jobs
Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation (2012-2014) — infographics, working with reports.
NEWS MEDIA (2016-2017) — infographics, illustrations, videos.
Public Opinion Foundation (2017-2018) — infographics, illustrations, videos.
Yandex (2018-present) — supervising projects aimed at internal and external communications of the Yandex HR department.

Previous work experience
  • team management
  • infographics
  • layouts
  • illustrations
  • presentations
  • event management
  • websites
  • corporate styles
  • annual reports
  • SMM
  • organization of festivals and lectures.

Personal qualities
I enjoy organizing processes and seeing the result of the work.
I can defend and argue my position.
I feel the people and team mood. I am empathic and diplomatic.
I am responsive, loyal, friendly, and proactive.
I like to joke. I never support conflicts and foul language at work.
I am not ready to work 24/7. Sometimes I send delayed messages and thoughts after work.
I like watching TV series and documentaries, walking, and listening to music.